Thursday, December 18, 2008

Not sure what to title this

Having worked in a skilled nursing center as a facility liaison, I got to know the residents rather well. In the 'twilight of their lives' they shared with me stories of their youth and expressed their fears. Fears not related to their dying or of their future, rather for our future. They expressed with me the love for their family members and friends struggling with today's world. Naturally they did complain about their current situation-not one of them showed true joy and satisfaction for being in a care center. But they were grateful for good employees who showed sincere care and concern for those in their charge.

In the time that has passed since I left, I have watched the obituaries closely looking to see who has since passed this life. Many of those I shared time with have since died. For some it truly was a blessing; to be reunited with loved ones. As I read their obituaries, I was able to learn more about these people. It was easy to see them as simply 'old'. But they were once just like me: young, full of life, happy and active.

One of the true joys of my time there came when a resident would share a smile or a thank you. The occasional hug was always welcomed-I may have even received a kiss on the cheek from some of the sweet little grandmas.