Saturday, September 29, 2007

Grandpa Barrett

Grandpa died on September 5, 2007. He exemplified what a family man is and should be. He also showed the love a man should have for his wife. My grandpa was also a true 'American Hero.' He would proudly fly the US flag whenever possible.

During WWII, Grandpa was a member of the 8th Air Force 379 Bomb Group flying on a B-17 as a top turret gunner. He and members of his crew flew 32 missions over Germany.

With over 1,000 WWII vets dying daily, it is increasingly important that we share with each other exactly what these men and women did for all of us. Sadly with these deaths go many of their stories with them, stories that this generation need to hear. Many of them still can't bring themselves to share the events they went through. That is their right and they've earned it. For others it was therapeutic. For me, listening to both my grandpas tell their stories, I gained a new found respect for their generation; a respect I hope to pass on to my kids. I look forward to the day when I can tell my kids about their 'Great' great-grandpa.

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