Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympic Gold?

I have watched with increased attention as the US Olympic teams have succeeded and even exceeded expectations in some events and fallen desperately short in others. But what has in many Americans minds caught their attention is the controversy surrounding the Chinese women's gymnastics team. Are some members of the team too young to be competing? Is this considered cheating? I have listened as sports radio hosts have literally been cheering against not just the Chinese gymnasts, but against all Chinese athletes. Is this a result of the alleged cheating or does it stem from the Chinese success in winning gold medals; in a sense replacing the US as the dominant athletic nation? Maybe both.

Regardless the reason, in my mind their exists a bigger issue, one that extends beyond the potential evidence that may or may not prove Chinese cheating: A government that white washes the truth and even worse, exploits the children competing in the name of their country.

Personally I have a deep respect for the Chinese people. I have know and worked with several Chinese citizens. The problem I have is with the government's abuse of the people. To take a child from a loving family and "train" them into world class athletes is not only detestable, it violates the very ideals of the Olympic Games; which is another story for another day. Now I don't claim to possess a deep understanding of the Chinese government, so I must be careful in choosing my words. However will increased freedoms come to the people of China, if some of the alleged Chinese improprieties they've reportedly been involved in, come to the attention of the world's leaders and the IOC? Will the Chinese government continue to try to hide behind a wall more impenetrable than the Great Wall that stretches across their great nation?

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