Friday, October 19, 2007

Turtle Tending

This past August I became the sole provider of a three-toed box turtle. Unable to locate an owner, and my sister Brooke being adamant that my nephew Jake be eight before he can have it as a pet, it fell to me to care for this animal. I've had many different types of pets: dogs, fish, crabs, frogs, mice, hamsters, gerbils, lizards, snakes, a ferret, pigeons, and for a few days, a bat (not all at the same time). But I never realized how much effort is required to take care of this turtle. My first hurdle was trying to figure out what kind of turtle it was. After some time, I was able to figure that out. The next obstacle was finding the adequate enclosure. I finally settled on a very large, rubbermaid type container. After that, figuring out what he ate was the next challenge. Now that those are resolved it is now making sure I keep the thing alive.
In trying to find the answers to all these questions, I have learned a lot about turtles. Not an expert by any means, but much more knowledgeable. I know it is a male. It's about seven years old. It has red-orange forelegs, with the same colors on the sides of it head. It likes to eat worms and slugs. Bannanas are popular too, but lettuce it won't touch.
Anyhow, I am enjoying this new adventure. I don't know that I would choose it as an everday pet, but for the next two years I think I'll be okay.

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